Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Just a quick update on what's been going on in my life. After much soul searching I decided that I would volunteer to be the Ombudsman for our unit. For those of you who don't know what and Ombudsman is I'll explain. I will act as a link for the families and the command at our unit. I will provide information about housing, medical, schooling, jobs, etc. and assist the new and existing families at our unit about all sorts of community information. I went through the interview process today, which was a bit daunting, and I will know officially if I get picked in 30 days. I decided to step up and do this because I felt something was missing at this unit. I figure I shouldn't be complaining about something if I'm not doing anything to change it! I look forward to providing families with the information they need to make their lives comfortable here and to learn new ways the Coast Guard can assist us all, I'm also looking forward to meeting some new wives and making the transition easier for them. I have only dealt with one Ombudsman in my Coast Guard wife career and I hope to take what I experienced with her and improve, tenfold!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I did alright in the interview since it's been awhile since I last had one!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lagging behind

Sorry for the lack of posts these past few months. It was a busy holiday season with Emily's birthday, my birthday, Christmas and my parents visiting. We are finally back into the swing of things and I will post some new things soon. Just a few updates on what is going on in our lives, Emily may have a tooth or 2. We still haven't seen them but I can feel them. Abby started ballet, tap and tumbling class and she loves it! The kids are doing great and we are too.