Thursday, July 28, 2011

Here we go again!

After a long and much needed vacation and visit back to Omaha we are home. Jason is back at work, the girls are at each others throats and summer is in full swing.  We've been taking advantage of the new pool in our neighborhood. We go a few times a week and both girls are really improving in their swimming abilities. Next week Abby will be attending vacation bible school each morning so it will just be Emily and myself in the morning.  I think Emily will really miss her big sister. 
Speaking of Emily we are still struggling with her weight. I'm back to being fully committed to this and am open to suggestions. If anyone has any thoughts, comments, I am ready and willing to listen.  I need my little girl to gain a few pounds so the doctor's will leave us alone!

Here is a picture of the girls enjoying their summer of fun.  What could be funnier than bubble wrap?!  Nothing I tell you!