Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Beast of the East!

As I was looking back through old blog posts I realized I never posted about the 10K Mud Run I took part in on September 10th.  I was part of a team of 5 Coast Guard Wives.  We made our own shirts and had a blast running the race. It was a 6.2 mile race with obstacles and water hazards and of course mud! It was literally the most fun I have had in a very long time. I was so worried about not being able to run it but I was fine. In fact when I got the end of the race I told Jason I was fine and I was ready to go again. I would do that race again in a heartbeat.  So glad I got to do it with an awesome group of Coast Guard wives! I think the highlight of the race for me was climbing this huge hill of mud and I had to use a rope to pull myself up the hill. I got to the top and felt absolutely empowered!  I raised my hands above my head and I hear my teammates cheering me on. It was an awesome feeling.  I was so happy I made it to the top of that hill and that I didn't tumble down it like I had just seen another girl do right before I made my ascent!   The second best part was crossing that finish line and seeing Jason and the girls waiting there for me.  One of the Best times ever!  I think I may have caught the race bug!


The girls and I have been on our own for a few weeks now.  Jason got selected to go to California and he will be arriving home in a few days.  He pretty much missed the whole month of October. We've been very lucky in our 4 years here in that Jason very rarely gets selected to go places, not from his lack of trying though. The first week was a bit rough on my but after that first week we got into a groove and things got a bit easier.
 The girls really kept me busy though!   Abby with soccer, girl scouts and her social calendar and Emily kept me busy just being Emily!

The good news is we have officially potty trained Emily.  No more diapers! WOO HOO!   She has been doing great and thankfully has gotten the hang of it rather quickly.   On a funny side note about Potty training, I do think Emily is going to be that kid that has to go check out the bathroom wherever we may be.  Every place we go to she has to go. I know I shouldn't complain and I'm really not. I'm thankful she tells me she has to go!